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Sleckman to present State of the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center address

Stock image of a calendar turned to May 12

The UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center will host the State of the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center on Friday, May 12, at 3 p.m. in the Margaret Cameron Spain Auditorium.

Director Barry Sleckman, M.D., Ph.D., will review the Cancer Center’s growth and highlight accomplishments from the last year.

“The O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center has many achievements to celebrate as we continue to pursue our vision of life without cancer,” Sleckman said. “Join us at the State of the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center to learn more about the important work taking place every day to make this vision a reality.”

This event is open to all O’Neal members and staff, as well as the UAB community at large.

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