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UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center announces recipients of cancer-related research grants through O’Neal Invests

The UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center is pleased to announce its latest O’Neal Invests grant awards. O’Neal Invests funds UAB investigators initiating new cancer-related projects to do key preliminary work to enable competitive extramural applications. Applications for the eighth grant cycle were submitted in spring 2024.

The awardees receiving funding through O’Neal Invests include:

  • J. Nicholas Odom, Ph.D.
    • School of Nursing
    • Catalyst
    • Developing an ePRO Intervention to Engage Caregivers in Patient Symptom Management
  • Natalie Gassman, Ph.D.
    • Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
    • Pre-R01
    • E-cigarette Component Dihydroxyacetone Induces Mutagenesis and Chromosomal Instability
  • Jianmei Leavenworth, M.D., and Bernadette Marquez-Nostra, Ph.D.
    • Department of Neurosurgery and Department of Radiology
    • Pre-R01
    • Prognostic Biomarkers for Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy in Cancer
  • William Marsiglia, Ph.D.
    • Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
    • Pre-R01
    • Differences in AKT Isoform Binding with Cellular Partners Dictate Sensitivity to Stimuli and Inhibition
  • Craig Maynard, Ph.D.
    • Department of Pathology
    • Pre-R01
    • Fc Fragment of IgG Binding Protein and Susceptibility to Colorectal Cancer
  • Lyse Norian, Ph.D., and Eric Plaisance, Ph.D.
    • Department of Nutrition Sciences
    • Pre-R01
    • Identifying Mediators of Ketone Ester-Induced Inhibition of Tumor Progression

Catalyst grants are for $50,000 for one year. Pre-R01 grants are for $160,000 over two years.

There are two O’Neal Invests RFAs per year, in the spring and fall. Cancer Center membership is not a requirement to apply, but awardees must become members. The grants are peer-reviewed by a panel of UAB faculty.

In addition to these grants, two additional awards were funded through the generosity of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama. To read about the BCRFA-funded grants, click here.

There are two O’Neal Invests RFAs per year, in the spring and fall. The deadline for Letters of Intent is July 20.

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